Sunday, June 14, 2015

Rainbow-A-Thon TBR

When: June 15-22
Rules: Your TBR must consist of 6 books, with part of the spine a color of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple).
RED: Where She Went | By Gayle Forman (Gayle Forman's name is in red)
ORANGE: A Darker Shade of Magic | By V.E. Schwab (part of the title is in orange)
YELLOW: To Kill a Mockingbird | By Harper Lee (on the hardcover version under the dust jacket the title is in yellow)
GREEN: Since You've Been Gone | By Morgan Matson (the spine is green)
BLUE: Mockingjay | By Suzanne Collins (re-read before Mockingjay P.2 comes out, the spine is blue)
PURPLE: ?!?!

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